

We sell only exceptional new and used equipment at a reasonable price. Never underestimate our ability to provide your company with an optimal solution to your business needs.


IMANUTEK offers you professional services on all makes and models of machine tools and pride ourselves on quick, honest service. Learn more.


Ball screws, chucks, power supplies, servo drives, spindle drives just to name a few. Take a look at what we have available.

At IMANUTEK we know you make money by keeping your equipment running in optimal condition. We are committed to ensuring that you keep pace with the every-changing technology of the machine tool industry. The expert level of service our company offers includes:

  • ›  Repairs
  • ›  Retrofits
  • ›  Preventative Maintenance
  • ›  Plant Relocation
  • ›  Supplying Parts for CNC Equipment


A CNC retrofit in it's basic lowest cost form is a replacement of the existing control with a new more flexible, and powerful latest generation control.